6 Creativity Breakthroughs from doing 30 Days of a Running Streak ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Every day since April 25,2022 I have kept a running streak of at least a mile a day. I started this streak as a way to challenge myself to be consistent at one thing that wasnโ€™t related to work or school. I was inspired to start this streak after I failed to consistently read and blog (I havenโ€™t had a reading update since Reading Update #3: Network or elseโ€ฆ) Today, is day 38 (6/2/22) is day 38 of my running streak.

I also stepped out of my comfort zone by sharing the sometimes random thoughts I would have I would have when I would feel the euphoria from my runners high thoughts on TikTok. I created this blog post to share the 6 creative breakthroughs from doing this running streak.

  1. The value of daily consistency

    This running streak helped me become clear on my goals and stay organized. I learned that for me to fully commit to running one mile a day, I would need to plan my day in advance. The process of figuring out in advance what my day would consist helped me realize that my daily routine was scattered and lacking consistency.

    The adjustment I made included meal prepping on Sundays and dedicating one hour a day to developing my creative skills. Through the process of experimenting and practicing, I gained the courage to make stickers based on the characters from The Procrastinate Club. On Day 21 of my running streak, after running 3.65 miles, I shared the story behind each sticker and what they represent.

2. Make nutrition and nurturing a daily priority

Every day of this running streak I became mindful of my hydration and eating habits. Meal prepping on Sundays and keeping my half gallon water bottle wherever I went helped me make sure my nutrition was sufficient to keep me strong during the running streak.

Through this process of prioritizing my nutrition, I became aware of the need to nurture my creativity by making an effort to always be open to being inspired to create. I began to carry a notebook and pencil everywhere I went in order to take notes or doodle ideas at any moment.

3. Keep your pace and focus on the journey.

โ€œI enjoy my new daily running routine more if I run at a sustainable pace and keep to the workout plan I set out for myself,โ€ is something I would tell people now but when I first started this running streak that was not how I planned out my runs. On Day 7 of my running streak ,I learned (the hard way) that I am better off focusing on my pace and my own workout rather than keeping up with other runners on the trail. I did not have a productive run and was exhausted by the time I got back home because I tried to keep the same pace as some random guy that passed me on the trails.

This experience helped me realize that this unproductive way to run on a trail run is the same way I approach creating art. Instead of keeping my own pace and completing the run at a comfortable pace, I pushed my limits to keep up with a total stranger. Similarly, instead of accepting that my creative journey will grow at its own pace, I would become discouraged by watching on social media success of other artists. I have since shifted this view and now understand that there is room for everyone and the creative world is filled with abundance not scarcity, as long as I focus on my own creative journey.

4. Reflection of my daily actions is important.

Day 11 of my running streak I had a late night run because my evening class, Digital Painting and Background Design, at Austin Community College ended at 830 and I had not done my run for the day. On Day 11 of the running streak I shared on TikTok my gratitude for the ability to do a running streak and maintain my physical and mental health. The practice of reflecting on the actions of the day helps me stay organized and hopeful for the progress I make in my creativity and my fitness journey.

5. Time and effort improves my ability to endure.

Keeping a running streak has not been easy but I am happy I started and have been able to keep it going. My ultimate goal with this running streak is to prove to myself I can commit time and effort towards something that I enjoy that isnโ€™t related to school or work. I am glad that I get to incorporate my love for creating and writing into the running streak but regardless of my creative journey I know I will keep running.

6. Celebrating big and small accomplishments is a great motivator.

Although I didnโ€™t make a post-run video after each day of the running streak, I am proud of the progress I have made. On Day 26 of my Running Streak, after running 2.24 miles, I celebrated with some pizza from Home Slice and a Fat Tire brewskie from New Belgium.

I am implementing the celebration of big and small accomplishments into my creative journey to keep me motivated.

I hope by sharing my creative breakthroughs I have inspired yโ€™all to start your own streak, whether its running or any another activity that you enjoy. It doesnโ€™t matter, as long as you commit to doing it every day. Soon you will see a change in your perspective and be able to approach any other daily routines with a stronger mindset.

If you received some value from my blog please consider sharing with friends and family or any one that you think may need some inspiration.

Other ways you can support my creative journey is by following on social media @reibert_anthony on Instagram, TikTok and Patreon.

I currently offer two tiers on my Patreon.

  • Amigo Tier

    • $7 a month

    • Discounts and promotions for my online store

    • Behind the Scene look at my creative process

  • Libro Tier

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    • Join my private Bookclubs where we have discussions about the book of the month.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Feel free to send me an email at create@reibert-anthony.com if there is anything I can help with.

Peace out,



My BIG Brain Goal and Four Stoic values to help