My BIG Brain Goal and Four Stoic values to help
Okay. I am starting over with my blog. This is my third attempt at creating/maintaining a blog presence.
My first blog was my Book Blog. In this blog I attempted to read a book a month and make illustrations for each chapter. In this blog Something About Starting I made a list of the 12 books. I only made it to March then I gave up and attempted daily blogging. By day 10 I lost interest and motivation so then I gave up on that too. From this experience I learned I am not a speed reader and am not able to maintain daily blogs.
My second attempt was my Old Blog. There I shared that my “word of the year” for 2022 is Growth. In the Happy New Year blog post I shared the four pillars to guide my growth in 2022. Those pillars are create, collaborate, resource and transparency. Having these four pillars has made it easier for me to write each blog since the beginning of the year but it has especially helped me become more vulnerable and transparent in the way I grow my creative studio.
I am transferring the blog, 6 Creativity Breakthroughs from doing 30 Days of a Running Streak 🏃🏾♂️ from the Old Blog to this blog because it is a good reminder of the progress I have made.
The name of my third attempt at a blog is, From Phlebotomist to Pattern Designer Blog. In this blog I will be documenting how I will use my background as a phlebotomist to create a successful creative studio.
I received my phlebotomy certification from Austin Community College in Fall 2011. Since then, I have worked at clinics and hospitals as a phlebotomist (I had a brief hiatus from phlebotomy in 2016, when I enlisted in the United States Air Force). I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to grow as a phlebotomist and am ready to apply what I have learned to growing my creative studio, Reibert-Anthony.
To be sure I keep focus and offer valuable information to you, the reader, I am sharing my BIG BRAIN goal and the Stoic values that will guide the content that will be published in this blog.
My BIG BRAIN goal is to belong to a community with other creatives and have the opportunity to build a sustainable/fulfilling life for everyone.
The four Stoic values I will be using to guide the content I provide are
1) Courage
Be courageous in taking risks and being vulnerable by sharing details about my progress.
2) Justice
Seek out opportunities to bring awareness to injustices that happen in my local community.
3) Temperance (Moderation)
The way I measure success is by being able to make time for pleasurable moments and time for taking care of responsibilities. I believe maintain a form of moderation between the two creates a well-balanced life.
4) Wisdom
I hope to be a reliable resource by sharing my own wisdom and experience. I will also share resources and wisdom I learn from mentors, friends, books, videos and any other source that can make an impactful difference in becoming better.
I hope that by sharing my BIG BRAIN goal and the four Stoic values I will be focusing on, you will be inspired to think of your own BIG BRAIN goal and values that can go along with the goal.
Consider me a resource for inspiration and a way to alleviate any doubt you may have in your creative journey.
Leave a comment below for any questions or concerns or send an email to
I would love to hear your BIG BRAIN goal and four values you will use to help you keep focus.
Peace out,
Reiberto Montiel Perez