Day 5: Plan Ahead

Que cuentan! Happy Sunday!

For me Sunday is all about getting ready for the following week. I haven’t always liked to plan ahead, I used to let inspiration hit me sporadically but i’ve realized that method is not sustainable.

Now I plan ahead a certain time of day or as little as 15 minutes where I will be creative, during this time I don’t judge myself on what I create, JUST CREATE. Sustainable creativity can only be maintained if it becomes a habit. Included in that creativity are going to be ideas/products/illustrations that are going to be shit. It is important to realize when things are shit but don’t swell on it, move on and I will eventually create things that are less shitty.

I plan when I will create because I now understand that out of those 15 minutes I am creating, at least one of those minutes will be golden and eventually those One Minute golden moments will add up to hours of Golden work.

The idea of PLAN AHEAD inspired me to create an illustration of a T-Rex yelling out an unenthusiastic RAWR!. There are times that I am not enthusiastic about sitting down to create but I understand it is part of the process. Similar to a T-Rex going around RAWR-ing every day, knowing that it is at its prime and its the King of all Dinosaurs, I am attempting to reach that level of confidence in my creativity by PLANNING AHEAD when I will create.

Low-key there is a darker side to the analogy that the T-Rex in my Illustration represents. In my mind it makes sense but it might difficult to put into words but I’m going to try. T-Rex had its moment to shine that was brought to an end because of a freakin asteroid (quick moment of silence, RIP T-Rex, always in my heart KING).

Now to tie that in with the idea of PLAN AHEAD, I understand that there are events that are out of my control that will impact the way I can be creative but unlike a T-Rex, I am capable of adapting and still create moments of creativity despite any out of my control moments (this is not shade towards T-Rex but these are just facts).

Bottom line, PLAN AHEAD as much as you can but be willing to make adjustments to your plans. Consistent moments of creativity is what will make the make the biggest difference/impact(Sorry T-Rex) in your creative journey.

Peace Out,



Day 6: Style


Day 4: Work it Out